§ 34.06. Duties of director.  

Latest version.
  • The director of civil preparedness shall have the following duties, responsibilities and powers:
    (A) He may, with the consent of the mayor, represent the town on any regional or state organization for civil preparedness.
    (B) He may make studies and surveys of the manpower, industries, resources, and facilities of the town to ascertain the capabilities of the town for civil preparedness and to plan for their most efficient use in time of emergency.
    (C) He shall prepare a comprehensive plan and program for the civil preparedness of the town and shall present the plan and program to the mayor for his approval. When the mayor shall approve the plan, it shall be the duty of all municipal agencies and all civil preparedness forces in the town to carry out the duties and functions assigned by the plan and program as approved. The plan and program may, from time to time, be modified in like manner.
    (D) In accordance with the civil preparedness plan and program, the director shall institute the training programs and public information programs and shall take all other preparatory steps, including the partial or full mobilization of civil preparedness forces in advance of actual disaster, as may be necessary to the prompt and effective operation of the town civil preparedness plan in time of emergency. He may, from time to time, conduct practice (air-raid) alerts or other civil preparedness exercises as he may deem necessary.
    (E) The director may organize and recruit personnel and services as are needed in carrying out the civil preparedness plans and programs of the city, the state, and the United States, except where the responsibility for recruiting and organizing specific personnel or services is lodged by law in some other official or body.
    (F) The director shall do all other acts not inconsistent with law which may be required of him for the furtherance of civil preparedness activities.
    (G) The director shall carry out all orders, rules and regulations that may from time to time be issued by the state director of civil preparedness, the federal government, or any of its agencies.
    (Ord. 119, passed 6-3-74)