Latest version.
  • (A) The following property in the Town of Hamden is exempt from taxation in accordance with Conn. Gen. Stat., § 12-81(56):
    (1) Any building, the construction of which is commenced on or after October 1, 1976, and before October 1, 2006, which is equipped with an active solar energy heating or cooling system, or any building to which a solar energy heating or cooling system is added on or after October 1, 1976, and before October 1, 2006, to the extent of the amount by which the assessed valuation of such real property equipped with such solar heating or cooling system exceeds the assessed valuation of such real property equipped with the conventional portion of the heating or cooling system, exclusive of any portion of such system related to solar energy, provided this exemption shall only apply to the first 15 assessment years following construction of such building or addition of any such system to a building;
    (2) As used in this division, “active solar energy heating or cooling system” means equipment which (1) provides for the collection, transfer, storage and use of incident solar energy for water heating, space heating or cooling which absent such solar energy system would require a conventional energy resource, such as petroleum products, natural gas or electricity; (2) employs mechanical means such as fans or pumps to transfer energy; and (3) meets standards established by regulation, in accordance with the provisions of Conn. Gen. Stat., Chapter 54, by the Secretary of the Office of Policy and Management;
    (3) Any person claiming the exemption provided in this division for any assessment year shall, on or before the first day of November in such assessment year, file with the Assessor in which such real property is located written application claiming such exemption. Failure to file such application in the manner and form as provided by such Assessor within the time limit prescribed shall constitute a waiver of the right to such exemption for such assessment year. Such application shall not be required for any assessment year following that for which the initial application is filed, provided if such solar energy heating or cooling system is altered in a manner which would require a building permit, such alteration shall be deemed a waiver of the right to such exemption until a new application, applicable with respect to such altered system, is filed and the right to such exemption is established as required initially;
    (B) The following property in the Town of Hamden is exempt from taxation in accordance with Conn. Gen. Stat., § 12-81(57):
    (1) Any Class I renewable energy source, as defined in Conn. Gen. Stat., § 16-1, or any hydropower facility described in division (27) of Conn. Gen. Stat., § 16-1 of the Code, installed for the generation of electricity for private residential use, provided such installation occurs on or after October 1, 1977, and further provided such installation is for a single family dwelling or multifamily dwelling consisting of two to four units.
    (2) Any person claiming the exemption provided in this division for any assessment year shall, on or before the first day of November in such assessment year, file with the Assessor in the town in which such Class I renewable energy source is located, written application claiming such exemption. Failure to file such application in the manner and form as provided by such assessor or board within the time limit prescribed shall constitute a waiver of the right to such exemption for such assessment year. Such application shall not be required for any assessment year following that for which the initial application is filed, provided if such Class I renewable energy source is altered in a manner which would require a building permit, such alteration shall be deemed a waiver of the right to such exemption until a new application, applicable with respect to such altered source, is filed and the right to such exemption is established as required initially.
    (3) For assessment years commencing on or after October 1, 2013, 100% of the real property tax for the Class I renewable energy source as defined in Conn. Gen. Stat., § 16-1 of the Code, hydropower facility described in division (27)(a) of Conn. Gen. Stat., § 16-1 of the Code, or solar thermal or geothermal renewable energy source, installed for generation or displacement of energy located at 100 Overlook Drive, Hamden, CT 06514 and owned by SJBSKB, LLC shall be abated, provided (1) such installation occurs on or before December 31, 2013; (2) such installation is for commercial or industrial purposes; and (3) the nameplate capacity of such source or facility does not exceed the load for the location where such generation or displacement is located.
    (C) The following property in the Town of Hamden is exempt from taxation in accordance with Conn. Gen. Stat., § 12-81(63):
    (1) The cogeneration system, owned by UTC Power and used by the Hamden Board of Education, which shall be installed at Hamden High School, 2040 Dixwell Avenue, Hamden, CT as more particularly described in Appendix A, attached hereto and made a part of this section. Such system shall be exempt from taxation for 15 assessment years following the installation of a system.
    (2) As used in this division, “cogeneration system” means equipment which is designed, operated and installed as a system which produces, in the same process, electricity and exhaust steam, waste steam, heat or other resultant thermal energy which is used for space or water heating or cooling, industrial, commercial, manufacturing or other useful purposes and which meets standards established by regulation, in accordance with the provisions of Conn. Gen. Stat., Chapter 54, by the Secretary of the Office of Policy and Management.
    (3) The applicant requesting this exemption shall, on or before the first day of November in such assessment year, file with the Assessor in the town in which such the system is located written application claiming the exemption. Failure to file the application in the manner and form as provided by such Assessor within the time limit prescribed shall constitute a waiver of the right to the exemption for such assessment year. Such application shall not be required for any assessment year following that for which the initial application is filed, provided if such solar energy electricity generating system or cogeneration system is altered in a manner which would require a building permit, such alteration shall be deemed a waiver of the right to such exemption until a new application, applicable with respect to such altered system, is filed and the right to such exemption is established as required initially.
    (Am. Ord. 532, passed 10-31-05; Am. Ord. 608, passed 6-6-11; Am. Ord. 641, passed 10-7-13)